Those who Brand tell you what they want you to VALUE!
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend." they said and so you take a stone and elevate it to JEWEL status.
"Money is Powerful!" they tell you and so you spend all your available ENERGY pursuing it in order to amass "Branded Paper!"
Brand is how we declare to the world that: "My stuff is better than yours!"
My country is better than yours!
My Product is better than yours!
And to an extreme point some even use it to convey that "My Life is Better than Yours!"
So you see... Branding determines Value!
And Value is determined by the STORY we craft around WHAT we want you to BELIEVE.
When you BELIEVE the STORY you will SEEK to acquire WHAT is being offered to you.
As Humans we are wired to DESIRE what we perceive holds VALUE.
We are wired to also REJECT what we perceive has no value.
This is the PSYCHOLOGY behind BRANDING!
You are Sold Stories to elevate the Value in your MIND of a tangible or intangible Creation.
Without Stories there is no VALUE and it falls FLAT.
Stories is what determine the peak that VALUE will attain.
The more powerful and compelling the stories the higher the perceived value.
The more we are exposed to these stories, the deeper the imprint in your heart and mind.
- Governments do it!
- People do it!
- Brands do it!
You have been Branded by all the Stories you have Believed!
The Stories that live in your HEART and MIND hold POWER over your ACTIONS.
These stories will drive what you will ultimately give your TIME, ENERGY AND ATTENTION to.
You invest in them because you believe they will offer you what the Creator of the stories promised that they will offer you.
Without belief there is no VALUE! --- My desire always is that you will absolutely hold your own Dreams, Aspirations, Vision and Future in higher regard than any other material possession and you invest first in those. This is my hope and I pray that you hope the same for yourself - it is what drives my own passion to teach, coach and guide others to Success. You must desire more for yourself to achieve more!
OK - So why am I letting you in on the SECRETS of the MOST POWERFUL?
It is because when you do not Brand you loose!
If you are an Entrepreneur and you have failed to Brand, you loose control over the perceived value of YOU, YOUR WORK and any of YOUR CREATION.
Not telling a compelling story means that your PRODUCTS and SERVICES hold whatever value the world imposes on them.
Why leave it to chance when you can actually CONTROL the NARRATIVE?
The Value of what you Brand is determined by you the "BRANDER" (*note there is a little science and art to that I teach in my Academy)
The STORY that you will craft is what will determine BELIEVABILITY.
The best STORYTELLER will win the hearts and minds of the PEOPLE
The PEOPLE fall in love with the CREATOR of the STORY and their CREATIONS
Realize also that VALUE is manufactured in your MIND - ALWAYS!
The welder's force is the STORY
The STORIES you believe is what will ultimate SHAPE what you VALUE.
Know that Inflation - Deflation is Managed to Control the Value of Printed MONEY
What I am teaching you today will transform your life if you will invest in mastering how to drive the value of your work up! At the Entrepreneur's Academy, I teach my students the SKILLS and MINDSET to do just that!
If you want to massively Elevate your Work and Achieve more success, you must invest to learn such skills for results in the Academy Library at: https://toyinumesiri.Academy
The video above is Episode 20 of my TV Show for Entrepreneur's. In it I share with you 3 questions that will help you begin your journey to elevating your mission in life! Join the Academy today to complete the process of becoming successful in Business. I bring to you big-business strategies for business growth and success.
The three questions you must answer now if you want to start branding are:
Watch the video now for the explanations of what these three questions will unlock for you today!